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Inflation, stormy weather, and the lifting of mask mandates; decompression week

Inflation has been one of the biggest news headlines over the past week Ireland, which has seen an overall 5.0% increase in consumer prices from January 2021 to January 2022. Last week the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform and the Minister for Finance announced in this press release a €505 million package in measures to mitigate the cost of living, including (among other things): energy...

Glasgow getaway

My friend S. invited me to join him on a quick weekend trip to Glasgow. I’ve never been to Scotland before, so I jumped at the opportunity. The impetus of the trip was to see Melanie C. (more widely known as Sporty Spice of the Spice Girls) perform her first post-COVID lockdown concert at a nightclub venue called The Garage. Even though I’m not a huge fan, I haven’t been to any concerts...

Wet weekend, visit to the National Gallery, O’Donoghues pub

This is apparently my 300th blog post, which averages out to about four posts a week since I moved to Ireland in October 2020, thanks to the almost daily posts during my first six months here. Nowadays, I’m writing about 2-3 posts per week. Life has become more mundane ever since I started working six months ago, so there has been less to write about, but I still find the blog to be an...