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Long week

It’s been a long week. Work is becoming increasingly frustrating. There is a lot to do, but I haven’t received enough training about how to do it, and in some cases, not even an explanation about all the responsibilities that fall to our office. For example, emails about “OHF approval requests” suddenly began appearing in my inbox, but I had no idea what an OHF actually is despite my best efforts...

Grieving, rainy weather, and saying yes to life

My thoughts have continued to be on my friend Adam over the past few days. The grief comes and goes. I had met his sister years ago when she was visiting Adam in San Francisco, and I spoke with her over the phone on Friday. She forwarded my blog post to their uncle, who posted a comment and reached out to me over text. It meant a lot to be able to connect with them. Adam was living in Portland...

The passing of a close friend

Yesterday evening I learned that Adam, a very close friend of mine, had passed away unexpectedly. Adam during our trip to Sonoma in July 2000 I had last texted with Adam about a week ago, and we had been in touch fairly often since my move to Ireland. We had chatted about the usual stuff — TV series we were watching, our job/work situations food, relationships, weather. There wasn’t...