Latest stories

Job offer from UCD! Less than 1 week until CMA exam…

Today I finally received an initial offer from University College Dublin! The additional reference I provided earlier in the week for my time at UC Berkeley was accepted and approved by the hiring manager, whew. The salary is at the top of the range for the position, although it’s still considerably less than what I used to make in the U.S. That said, it’s much more than what Jigsaw could pay and...

Rock band appears on Crow Street, latest job update, dinner date

Rock band on Crow Street This morning I was surprised to hear the sound of a drum kit coming from Crow Street. I look out the window to see that a rock band has set up in the middle of the street with a camera crew. Over the course of the day, the band plays multiple takes of the same song, so I’m guessing they were recording a music video or a pre-recorded performance for an online event...

Blog migration complete!

It appears that the built-in email functionality with Blogger / Blogspot / Feedburner has stopped working, so I finished up the migration today to my new website domain: . Anyone who has been receiving new posts via email have been imported into my new email service (MailChimp), and new email updates will be coming from Hopefully they won’t get flagged as spam...