Latest stories

Taking a break from studies, COVID test, job situation, and pints with a friend

I’ve been taking a break for a couple of days from my CMA studies, but I’ll have to pick it up again soon… there’s less than a month to go before exam #2. So far I’ve been able to keep up with the accelerated pace. The good weather has continued, although this morning we had some rain and it’s been slightly cooler. Later in the day, the sunny / partly cloudy...

Unexpected job twist, enjoying a reawakening Dublin

It’s been an interesting past few days. Tomorrow (Monday) was supposed to be my first day of work at Jigsaw, but there was an unexpected turn of events on Friday. Previously I had interviewed for two positions at University College Dublin (UCD) but was not selected for either of those jobs. However, a third opening at UCD in their Research Finance Office came up after my initial...

Warm and humid weather, partial solar eclipse, and a surprise in today’s mail

It’s been a relatively warm and humid week. Today’s high crept into the low 70s F / low 20s C, with more good weather ahead. Yesterday the humidity shot up in the 80% range after some rain, which made the air feel much heavier than normal. I’ve been keeping the windows open and using my bedroom fan in the living room to keep the apartment a comfortable, cool temperature. I have...