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Remembering dad

Today would have been my dad’s 90th birthday. I visited him in Greeley, Colorado in 2011 on his 80th birthday, and then a few weeks later he ended up in the hospital with severe pneumonia. I flew out to Colorado again and was at his bedside when he passed away. Despite living with multiple sclerosis for the last 30 years of his life and having other health issues (including a heart...

Productive day, more good weather, walk to St. Stephens Green

It’s been a productive day. I apply to a few more jobs on my to-do list, including one at the University College Dublin (UCD) National Virus Reference Laboratory — this is a different UCD position than the one for which I’ve already been invited to interview on May 4. I also start reviewing the lessons in the final section of my CMA study programme. After staring at my laptop for a few hours, I...

Malahide day trip + catch up from past few days

It’s been beautiful weather over the last few days. There hasn’t been much exciting to warrant daily posts, so I’ll catch up from the most recent day and work backwards. Today (Sunday), I meet up with my friend CJ to take a day trip up the coast to the town of Malahide, which I had driven past back in December when I was getting my first COVID test at the Dublin airport. For this...