The weather has turned grey although thankfully still dry with rain forecasted for later in the week. I’m caught up on my CMA studies and don’t have anything else pressing for the moment. Today in the early afternoon I have a coffee/walk meetup with a new friend, P, with whom I’ve been chatting online for awhile but we’ve never met in person. P works in the health...
Sunny weather, walk to Docklands and back
I’m feeling very sedentary, having not gotten out at all yesterday. I don’t have any plans, except for a tentative coffee meetup that falls through last minute. Inertia tells me to stay in and do more CMA studying. However, after a late breakfast and some puttering around the apartment, I decide that I have to get out and enjoy the sunnier weather — a reward for passing my...
Uneventful Saturday – missed post
Saturday has been very uneventful. The weather is greyer, which gives me a good excuse to stay in and do some practise exams for my CMA study programme. This past week I finished the 2nd section of part 1, and in order to proceed to the next section I have to score 86% on 50 random multiple choice questions. My first run-through takes about 1.5 hours. I fall short by one question with a result of...