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Outing to Millstown, long walk back, and mandatory hotel quarantines

It’s a beautiful mostly sunny day, but still chilly in lower 50s / high single digits C. In the afternoon I meet up with my friend CJ, whom I haven’t seen in awhile. We take the Luas light rail down to Milltown, a suburb on the southern end of Dublin, named for its location on the River Dodder. There is a riverside walking paths and a small park on one end with a shipping...

Uneventful Saturday, walk to Croppies Acre Park

It’s been an uneventful day. There was not a repeat of last weekend’s anti-lockdown protest here in Dublin, and the one that did take place in Cork was apparently peaceful. There have been reports that another large protest is being planned for St. Patrick’s Day. For my afternoon walk, I cross the Liffey then westward until I reach Croppies Acre Park, which I had passed by last weekend. The...

Another week comes to an end, another bachelor Friday night

Another week comes to an end… it’s becoming more difficult to interrupt the monotonous rhythm of lockdown. My weekly grocery order is delivered by a new person, Liam, who is a very Irish man in stature and personality, probably a few years older than me. As he’s unloading the bins of blue plastic bags containing my items, he chats me up asking where I was from (know...